Software : Tutorials


The links below provide access to a number of our written tutorials on the design, conduct, monitoring, and analysis of clinical trials. These tutorials are more directed toward the use of the software than to explanations of the theory and methods behind sequential sampling. For the latter see our tutorials on the Learning webpages.

These tutorials are organized into the following categories (a single tutorial may appear in multiple categories):

  1. Getting Started in RCTdesign including an overview of specification of simple designs, the interpretation of the standard output, and the generation of useful plots.

  2. Probability Models including description of distribution-free inference on means, geometric means, proportions, odds, and hazards; special issues when using time to event (survival) endpoints, and special issues when using longitudinal endpoints.

  3. Specification of Hypotheses

  4. Nonbinding Futility Boundaries

  5. Sample Size Computation

  6. Calculating Subject Accrual Needs in a Time to Event Analysis

  7. Sequential Sampling

  8. Boundary Scales

  9. The Unified Family of Group Sequential Stopping Rules

  10. Specification of Error Spending Families

  11. Use of Constrained Boundaries: Maxima, Minima, Exact

  12. Computing Operating Characteristics: Type I Error, Power, Stopping Probabilities

  13. Simulating Clinical Trials in RCTdesign

  14. Inference in the Presence of a Stopping Rule

  15. Bayesian Evaluation of a Stopping Rule

  16. Monitoring a Clinical Trial: Flexible Implementation of a Sequential Sampling Plan

  17. Adaptive Modification of a Maximal Sample Size

  18. Advanced Functionality