Technical Reports : Software


Statistical packages for group sequential methods.

  1. Summary: A discussion of the desirable features for sequential statistical software, and a comparison of early versions of PEST and EaSt.

  2. Ref: Emerson SS. American Statistician 50: 183-192 (1996).

S+SeqTrial: Enhanced Survival Design.

  1. Summary: A description of the models for accrual and time to event distributions used in the R package RCTdesign and the S-Plus module S+SeqTrial when calculating sample size for RCT using time to event as the primary outcome.

  2. Ref: Emerson SC, Emerson SS (2007)

S+SeqTrial: Technical overview.

  1. Summary: A technical overview of the computational methods used in the R package RCTdesign and the S-Plus module S+SeqTrial.

  2. Ref: Emerson SS, (2007).